Saturday, December 13, 2008

Birthday Pictures? But I'm an amateur!

I wonder when professional photographers first start out, if they get as frustrated as I do...

Our friend Amber asked if I could take pictures at Maysen's 1st Birthday party. For 2 nights in a row (cue to laugh), I had been studying at Pioneer Woman about photography and I was feeling confident in my abilities so I said 'Sure'! I read about aperture, depth of field and shutter speed, I actually thought I understood what I was reading so, I figured I would put into practice what I've learned at Maysen's birthday party.

I took about 800 pictures and when I looked back at them I was a little disappointed. It's possible I'm critiquing my pictures to harshly, especially when I'm comparing my pictures to that of professionals or maybe I need an eye exam because my vision is a little off. I honestly can't tell if it's me or the pictures.

Here are some examples of shots that I wished had turned out better. This shot I felt was to orangish.
I'm also trying to experiment with angled shots because I love them when I see them but I think I'm leaning to far on the angle...
Here's a shot that I really liked of Maysen's hand and her laughing in the background but again, I felt the colors were off...
And then I learned a very important lesson with the next picture. I had taken a series of pictures of the White family with Parents, then Grandparents, Siblings, etc. First thing I noticed with these shots were the shadows on the faces of people wearing hats. Now I know and I won't be making that mistake again!
Not all of my pictures came out bad, I did manage to get some good ones. Here was a shot that I was actually very pleased with because the coloring seems right to me.
I just wish they had all turned out as well. We enjoyed the party though, it was another day we spent outside, in the middle of December, so I chalk it up to a good day! Here's a couple of Greg and I with Nathan...