Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Neighborhood Glow Parade

Last weekend, we got the cutest little invitation from our neighbors to attend a 'Glow Parade'. They hand delivered this invitation complete with a tube of glow sticks! I mean, how CUTE is this invitation and this idea?? Seriously.


At dark, we were met by the neighborhood kids completely-you guessed it-GLOWING. They had adorned themselves and their bikes with tons of glow sticks, it was so fun! Here's my disclaimer on the pictures, if you stare to long, your eyes will hurt. Taking pictures in the dark of moving subjects and getting the pictures to come out, is simply impossible (I just don't have the right gear to do it. Hey Steve, what's that lens I need again?!)

Here's Nathan, taking a seat, observing the action:

Now observing himself:

Here's Gabby, sister to Tino (Nathan's friend):

Action shot in front our Host house:

I wish I was a fun person and came up with ideas like that...because I'm 'not'. :o)

~ thanks for the fun night neighbors!