Monday, January 9, 2012

Simplifying the Season

In November, I realized I would need to simplify our upcoming holiday season.  So I took inventory of everything coming down the pike between school performances, church duties, work responsibilities, chores at home, etc. etc. and deliberately started letting things go!

First and noticeably from my last post date, I neglected the blog - there was simply no extra time to do it, so I just didn't. 

Second,  I didn't have the time or budget to create a Christmas letter so I minimized it to the photo card and within minutes, I was done! Keeping conservative, I only printed 50 copies in lieu of sending out a 100 as I've done in prior years.

Third, Christmas gifts.  I am the primary person to worry deal with these details each year and typically, it's my biggest season stresser.  So this year, I chose simple and minimal to free myself from the stress!  For those who treated us to a special occasion such as dinner or a party, I gave fresh flower arrangements.

For out of town relatives, I gave our family calendar.

For Nathan, I found something I knew he would love.  What tickled me though, was a couple of weeks before Christmas when Nathan built an aircraft carrier out of legos and left it on the floor just inches from the very large air craft carrier wrapped up under the Christmas tree!

As I suspected, he loved it. =)


For Greg,  I didn't spend alot (which makes him happy) but I did put a lot of thought into it.  I made a 'Date' book with 12 months of top secret pre-planned dates. He doesn't handle surprises very well though, so this was a little risky.

During the mad dash to Texas, we guarded our time and kept our activities to a minimum.  We didn't visit with friends but just spent our short time with relatives.





Our more exciting table talk though was about our reality show relatives, whose show "Texas Multi Mamas" would air on WE Tv, 3 days after Christmas.  This plug's for you Ryan and Teryn! ;)

This just happens to be a new favorite of Greg & Nathan.

Christmas at this age is such a special time, I think it's because it's before any 'expectations' are developed. 

Before I knew it, we were in the car again driving back to Arizona. 

New Year's Day was on a Sunday.  Both Greg and I were scheduled to serve at church so we canceled our New Year's Day brunch.  Though, I enjoy ringing in the new year with friends - it was a welcomed break!

As I suspected it would, the holiday season came and went in a flash.  Would I liked to have done more or even given more?  Of course. But it wasn't realistic so I had to let go of some self imposed expectations in order to simplify the season and I'm glad I did because I still have some sanity about me!

Lastly, it seems every Christmas there is either a video or a picture in which I look absolutely ridiculous. Since I'm a good sport and love a good laugh, it's become a little tradition to share here so we can all have a good laugh together - cause I'm fun like that. ;)  So here it is.  This Christmas' picture where I look absolutely ridiculous!
Bwahaaaa!!  So when I showed this picture to Greg, he said I look like this ALL the time.
Whaaat?  Really?
If this is true, shame on all of you for not telling me!! :)

Happy New Year ya'll!