Monday, February 22, 2010

The Best Baptism Evah!

 We went to one of the most special baptisms I've ever been to this weekend.

First, a good friend of ours, Brian from Boston, got baptized.  Second, our church does not have a building, so baptisms are held at a member's house in the backyard and the benefit to that is that we are able to stand near our friend during his baptism, which makes it very intimate and personal.

Brian's family stood in the water with him while our pastor, Bill and Brian's wife, Randi helped Brian back into the water.

The final factor that made this baptism day more special than others was that just minutes before the baptism, the homeowners COW delivered a baby calf!  Literally minutes before the baptism.  Amazing.  New life.  The calf and Brian.  So touching.

Here is the calf suckling  - on the finger of the man who helped deliver her.

The calf was probably an hour old by the time I took these pictures and had not walked yet.  They were rubbing her down and massaging her legs, trying to get her to stand up but she just wasn't ready yet.

The kids got a big kick out of watching the cows.

Later Nathan observed the bull eating, peeing and pooping, which he was apt at yelling and pointing out to make sure we all didn't miss it.  In this picture, he's eating a cookie, which the bull seems interested in taking a bite.

Just another very cool and neat day in Arizona!