Monday, October 31, 2011

Our October 31st

This year we met up with folks in our neighborhood who are subsequently in our homegroup and whose children also go to Nathan's school.  It's like the six degrees from Kevin Bacon thing!  :)

We looked like a good size group - a force to be reckoned with!

Nathan dressed up as an Air Force Stealth Pilot (with facial hair) and once he had his costume on he asked me what was his mission was supposed to be.  'Get candy' what else?

I hadn't planned to dress up but I ran across this headband at a friends garage sale, remembered I had a shirt that matched the bow and before I knew it I was Minnie Mouse!  I even had the white gloves but I forgot them at the house, darnit.  This is Nathan's salute!

It took Nathan a while to warm up to Trick or Treating, staying close to me, but after several houses he ran ahead with his friends and classmates.


Each of these little girls are in Nathan's class at school (except the older girl in the middle).  Look at that Strawberry Shortcake, is she not the cutest little thing  you've ever seen?!! 

I hate that this picture is blurry but Nathan's penciled-in mustache and his expression makes him look like a french painter, hahaha!

"Oui Oui Mademoiselle"

And that was that. :)