We spent Thanksgiving at the Staffeldts and my pictures from that day are obsolete. I just wasn't in the mood to be attached to the camera, which I now regret. I made one video of Nathan playing in the Staffeldts backyard, here it is. And it's ok to laugh when Nathan falls down, it's so sudden, it can't help but be funny!
On Black Friday, I participated in the Christmas shopping, waking up at 3:45am. Completely nuts. I pulled into Kohls packed parking lot at 4:05, only 5 mins after opening. I walked into the store at 4:07 and there were already lengthly lines formed. I was shocked. Amateur. I didn't buy a thing at Kohl's. Later that morning we participated in a Prayer Stand on our church land (we are still waiting to build) and I took a few random pictures.
On Saturday, we went hiking at Lost Dog Wash to Sunrise Trail in Scottsdale, Arizona. Really stunning view from the summit. Here are a few pictures.
We also started painting. Greg has become a mechanical robot, with a paint brush in his hand every time I turn around. I know I've snapped some pictures of him painting but for the life of me I can't find them. The only picture I have is one of the nights I painted this bookshelf in the middle of our family room. And it's not even a good picture - I have a feeling Nathan took this one. :o)
As I watched other people put out Christmas decorations, I figured it was time for us to do the same. We pulled everything out and trimmed the tree. And like every other kid, Nathan focused on one area of the tree and that's where a ton of ornaments ended up.
I also finished our Christmas letters which are on their way out the door, I can't believe I'm ahead of the game this year, how on earth did that happen?
Well, that's what we've been doing. In case you were wondering. :o)