Back in September, I was describing to a girlfriend my bi-polar schedule between my full-time job and Nathan's half-day (3 hr) Kindergarten class.
"From 6-7 is Breakfast and Play-time. Between 7-8, we go for a walk outside. Then from 8-9 is his computer time. 9-9:30 Homework. 10-11 Quiet Time in his room. 11-12 Lunch. 12:15, I take him to school. I pick him up at 3:15. 3:30-5:00 Snack & TV time. And I'm working in between all of this."She stared at me. Hard. Then she asked, "Why are you doing this to yourself? Why don't you just find a daycare and be done with it?"
My reply was to the point. "Because ten years from now, I don't want to look back and regret that I didn't at least try to make this work." I continued, "When Nathan was only two months old, I sent him to a in-home daycare, while I worked and I've always regretted it. I look back and I know I could have kept him and worked from home but I didn't. Instead someone else raised him 8 hours every weekday and I regret it."
The timeframe of this schizophrenic schedule occurred at time when we just moved into a new house. Furthermore, to add insult to injury, Greg also just started a new job. With his longer hours away from home, the burden of parenting fell squarely on my shoulders but I took it on...
For moments like this one; Nathan and I, holding our plates and eating lunch on the swing (pretending it's a train) and giggling about something, though I can't remember the details.
Moments like this wouldn't be possible if I handled our situation any other way.
I stated later in that conversation that I may have a nervous breakdown juggling conference calls-temper tantrums-Fusion training-child negotiations-Project ATOM-Spalding Phonograms-FY14 MPM Production and Stage-Kindergarten homework-Apps Midsize definitions-Science and Art time-OwnIt tickets-"Boo, did I scare you?" interruptions...and so on. But what I won't have is another regret that I didn't at least try to make it work.
And days like today when disaster and uncertainty abounds coupled with the knowledge it is only a matter of time before tragedy strikes again. It confirms...that for me, it's been the right thing to do.
But if your talking to me and I can't seem to register or comprehend what your talking about, I just have a temporary case of brain-fog. It will clear up...eventually. haha!!