Now, I've always enjoyed flower and container gardening but it's been a long time since I've had a dedicated place to store my tools or repot a plant. Our first house actually had a small green room which I loved but that was long ago. In our current house, storage always seems to be an issue and my gardening tools or supplies were always in a basket here or a bucket there and I would literally squat on the ground to repot a plant. So I made myself a garden center and the best part is, it only cost $10.00. :)
I found this Baker's Rack on Craig's List for $10.00 - SCORE! I gathered all my scattered things and now everything is organized. You know how I love me some order!
A work surface for projects...
A shelf for extra pots and planters...
A tool drawer...
A supply drawer...
Aluminum container with lid and scooper for fertilizer...
A trash can with snap on lid...
My sweet little garden center{insert big grin}just a little slice of heaven for this old girl!