1. Kids Christmas program at church - Nathan performed in both services, no on-stage emotional breakdowns this year, whew!
With props...
2. Christmas lights - Greg went a little overboard this year.
Just kidding! That's not our house! We went looking at Christmas lights, snapped a quick pic of Nathan standing in front of all this hubaloo. Cute.
3. School Christmas Parties - Cute broccoli tree. I didn't have time to make this but I would like the name and number of the mom who did have the time and since she has oodles of time to make decorative food trees, perhaps she can help me with a few things I still have on my plate! By the way, I was the mom that brought two bags of chocolate candy. You got it, it's the 'New Me'!
4. Christmas letters - got these out the door this week.
5.Dinner with friends - Gotta make time for friends. Relationships is what Christmas should really be about. This beautiful table setting by our friends Michael and Becky, the dinner tasted as good as the table looked!
6. School Christmas Pageant - TOO CUTE and definitely worth the time.
More to come...