Does anyone remember this post from last year? Hull Family Pictures a BUST for 2008!
Well, this year our family pictures were NOT a Bust and I am over the moon kind of happy!
The picture above is my absolute favorite of all the pictures and it's the only one I'm planning to show right now. hahaha! What a teaser huh?
I have looked at this picture over and over and over. I love it because I feel it totally encapsulates the specialness of how I feel about my husband. If I were a real writer, I would be able to put words around what my heart feels when I gaze at him. The admiration, the respect, and awe...yet it's so much 'more' than that. So much more. I don't know how to explain that I could look at him every day of my life and just 'appreciate' him. I can't imagine that anyone could possibly understand what I'm trying to explain but I can 'see' it in this picture. So because the words fail me, this picture will just have to do.