It's a s-l-o-w process.
Here's some pictures of Greg installing the sprinkler system with help from our friends Josh and Brian.
Greg shared an observation about the differences between Texas and Arizona. He said, "In Texas, you would never-never-never-never see someone installing a sprinkler system in sandals."
I have to brag about my husband. Look at this picture, I don't even know what this is, but it's something Greg had to put together for the sprinkler system. Greg can do ANYTHING.
Great Success! See the water?
On this particular day, Brian got a little help from Nathan...
but it was have a short attention span.
"Don't mind me, I'm just gonna drive around you while you work."
It was a little dusty at times...
but it equates to off-roading for a 2 year old.
That's it for now, Bye!