This was the day it happened. It was a typical, beautiful Saturday in AZ. Nathan and I went to a friends birthday party. There was food, party favors and balloons. I'm sitting at a picnic table watching Nathan run with a balloon. I have a bad feeling about this so I continue to watch cautiously. And what I fear, happens. He trips, falls and begins to cry, looking back at me as if to say, "Did you see that? Did you see how I fell and hurt myself?" Of course, I saw it.
Quick as lightening, I jump up from the table and bound over the picnic bench to come to the aid of my hurt child...except my foot gets caught and now I'm laid out on the concrete - dazed and in pain. I ignore the pain to come to his rescue but by now he's fine and running around again. Typical!
That night my arm swells and it's pretty painful for several days. On day 10, I go to QC Primary Care, who requests x-rays. On day 12, the results are in. I broke a bone.
As I waited for the Doctor today, I took a self portrait as my Picture of the Day.
Later, as Dr. T prepared the splint for my arm, I thought that would make a much better Picture of the Day! So I asked and he agreed. He was great and even made a fun face but my camera didn't catch it in time. Doh!
So as I leave and walk into the waiting area with this awkward and bulky splint on my arm, I hear someone say "Julia?" I look up and see my friend Traci. Surprised to see her, I ask "Traci, what are you doing here?" And she looks at my arm and asks me "What are YOU doing here?" hahaha!